As sad and wrong as it is, I think white people need Black people to show us who we are--and to force us to admit to the errors of our ways. We have to reach a point where we all understand how inhumane we've been throughout history--always trying to conquer and abuse one group or the other to stay on top and in power.
In America, that has been white people abusing Black people. But women like Ruby Freeman and her daughter show us how people should behave. They show us dignity and respect for American values that too many white people have lost. They prove how wrong white people have been to treat Black people as lesser humans.
We need Black people to correct us. Too many white people have bought into cultural B.S. that makes them feel superior--the lies we tell ourselves need to be exposed. Black people can do that. You're doing that.
We need you--but we don't want you--we don't want to face our weakness, which is our inherent desire to always rule over others. We'd rather use you for entertainment. But what we need is to learn the real meaning of equality and democracy. Sadly, it needs to be forced upon us.