Good piece. I think we need to also look at the health industry. I had a nutritionist tell me "If I tell you not to have a latte every morning you'd never come back." I was appalled. I have Hashimoto's so my metabolism is messed up and I have to limit my calories to stay thin--but I wanted help being healthy, not skinny. She ignored my needs and stuck me in a box along with everybody else who didn't look like her (very tall, very thin).
She was right, I didn't go back. Instead, I found a doctor who checked my blood and discovered a variety of deficiencies that have since been treated with a combination of prescriptions and supplements.
I am now 45 lbs. thinner, and I still have a latte every day. But the real success for me is that I am fit and healthy. I exercise, eat well and my blood tests show that I my thyroid, hormones, cholesterol levels, etc. are all in the healthy range. To me, this is my greatest success.
And now I can say, "Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels."