Here we go again. White male Christians are misogynists. This has been my "lesson" in life. All the maintenance men I use at my building have to be trained to hear me. Their default is "ignore her."
If I express the slightest frustration at the dumbest stuff they do, they bail on me. It happens over and over and it's always in the middle of a job that they have no way of finishing so they have to make that my fault.
It's okay for them to charge me $2350 for a $500 plumbing job, but God forbid I call them on it and ask them to explain that bid--they just disappear and leave me hanging.
And it's not just men in the trades. I spent decades in biotech and hi-tech and without question the men in both of those industries, mostly white, were regularly dismissive and rude to the women--despite the women being generally as, if not more, intelligent and capable than the men.
It occurs to me that white men don't have to excel, they get work anyway. Women and people of color, not so much.
White men are so afraid of competent women that if a woman points out an error--even one that might save a lot of time and money--they will pretend that didn't hear it. They're so busy trying to save face, they can't function. Their entire identity seems to require them to be superior and when proof that they are not begins to surface, they retreat with their bruised egos to whatever dark cave they need to inhabit to reinforce their sense of superiority. Frankly, I'm sick to death of it.