I read a book years ago that was written by a husband and wife team. They suggested that research at the time (20 years ago) led them to believe that there may be three different centers in the brain and each deals with a different aspect of sexuality:
1) gender identity;
2) behavior (non-sexual but often categorized as either masculine or feminine);
3) sexual preference.
But all three are spectrums, not absolutes.
If they are correct, this means there are countless variables in terms of combinations--with every point on each spectrum being a possibility. Add to that, each of the three centers might not line up exactly as all male or all female, given that any given person could fall anywhere on each of the spectrums. When I think about it this way, it makes sense that there are a lot of combinations of possibilities here.
Which says to me that however a person is born, that's normal for them.
Instead of forcing people to fit a stereotypical standard for behavior, sexual preference and identify, we must start giving people the freedom to simply be who they were born to be.
I wish we could point to the science behind it. But the last time I checked, the research stopped because too many people complained that it would be difficult for others to accept.
Personally, I think it would be easier for people who think everyone should be all male or all female to accept those who do not fit neatly into those categories if they better understood that it's not a choice, it's a matter of biology.