Chris SnowWhen your enemy is in the process of destroying himself, stay out of his way. Sun TzuRussia has neither the command and control nor the logistics to win this war.Nov 8, 202213Nov 8, 202213
Chris SnowA defeat of Ukraine would also be a defeat for the WestIf we let Russia have their way with Ukraine, this will send a message to all dictators around the globe, that the West is not able to…Nov 13, 20223Nov 13, 20223
MartinEdicTrump Failed Putin. He Was Supposed to Kill NATOBut, like everything he does, he didn’t finish the jobMar 13, 20226Mar 13, 20226
Laura JedeedAfghanistan Meant NothingA Veteran Reflects on 20 Wasted YearsAug 15, 2021211Aug 15, 2021211