One of the hazards of being a victim of abuse is the tendency to mistrust one's own instincts. That is exactly how powerful men maintain their power.
Yes, in the US people are considered innocent until proven guilty. However, I would ask people to consider what kind of person would encourage blind obedience and adulation to another's ideas?
Robbins and men like him, who relish the group-think environment that promotes an image of themselves as being all knowing and all seeing-- while diminishing those who see things differently, are dangerous to the mental well-being of all of us. They cause people to wallow in self-doubt and to believe the answers are outside themselves. And it's all for their own self-aggrandizement and profit. If a so-called leader leaves you feeling less able to trust yourself, more powerless and needy, he is not a leader, he is a parasite that feeds off the weakness of others.
Whether he ever faces criminal charges or not, we can encourage people to see him for what he is: a man who lost his way while professing to show the way to others.