"Privilege is only caring about something when it impacts you personally. "
I appreciated this article and agree with most of what you said in response to the Pastor's actions. But I don't agree with the quote, above. If that were true, privileged people wouldn't join non-profits and spend time volunteering for local causes--which many privileged people do.
I think privilege is being shielded from the personal impact of things others need to deal with every day.
As for caring about what impacts them personally, I think everybody cares more about things that impact them personally. They're supposed to. It is what impacts us personally that makes up our lives and that should be our primary area of responsibility and focus. That doesn't have anything to do with privilege, in my opinion.
But thank you for putting this conversation out there. It's so important to be reminded that it is not women who need to take responsibility for how men see us and treat us. Men need to take responsibility for themselves.