There is a two volume set called The Missing Books of the Bible. It has chapters on Susanna, Judith, Esther and others. I admit I haven't read it (it was published by Halo Press) but it does exist.
Interestingly, an old friend (an Evangelical) dismissed it immediately, without even picking it up. So, your points are well taken.
Fundamentalists have historically been able to rely on their religion to maintain their place at the top of the societal hierarchy. Instead of providing spiritual enlightenment or guidance, religion helps them maintain their power.
I believe this is why the Republican Party has devolved so much lately--they are seeing their power as Christian White men being threatened by women and POC, who are now able to compete in the workforce and will require these men to up their game if they want to stay relevant. This is new for them and it's caring the daylights out of them. All their ideas about White male superiority have been upended and it's creating a cognitive dissonance they don't know how to address.