This is beautifully written and so sad. This piece represents the closest thing to understanding what happened there that I will probably ever achieve and I thank you for that.
I just need to say that what feels like a waste has actually given the Afghani people something they never would have had: a taste of a better life and the understanding that with better leadership they have a chance at happiness.
Right now, it feels like it's a waste because they have lost access to that dream almost overnight. And many unnecessary deaths will likely follow. But the taste of a freer life, especially for women, may lead some day to people there grooming leaders who will not be corrupt, useless and greedy.
You and all the other soldiers, journalists and activists who showed up for them did something amazing--and there is no way the Afghani people or Americans who have never risked their lives for others will ever forget that.
The government here and in Afghanistan did nothing to help you, but in spite of it, all of you did something incredibly meaningful--and nothing anyone does can take that away.