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Trump Indictment Triggers a Torrent of B.S.
Trump lawyers take to the airways with insults, lies, and mischaracterizations
It's 5:45 am, and I should be sleeping. Instead, after falling asleep on the couch with the TV on, I awoke at 4:45 to the sound of one of Trump's lawyers abusing a CNN news anchor. When asked a simple question of fact, he responded by insulting her. It went something like this:
The news anchor asks a question.
Lawyer says:
I'm not going to answer that question. You know I can't answer that question. I think you know better than that. What I can tell you is that these charges against Trump are "turning justice on its head." Donald Trump is being "singled out" for treatment "no other president has ever been subjected to." Obama has “thousands of documents” in Chicago, but "only Trump is being accused." This is all political. “He’s done nothing wrong.” Blah, blah, blah.
The news anchor lets him finish, thanks him for his time, and quickly moves on to a commercial break. She is visibly embarrassed, not because she misbehaved — she is embarrassed because she has no idea how to respond.